Change Your Thinking, Transform Your Life


Depression Is A Very Complex Condition

Depression is a very complex condition with many possible causes, but it is a generally accepted fact among mental health professionals that our moods result from our thoughts. This is the first principle of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Controlling and managing our thoughts plays a very important  . . .


The Brain Controls The Functioning

Because the brain controls the functioning of our bodies and has a profound effect on our moods and emotions, there is a definite connection between  . . .






As Human Beings, We Were Created In The Image

As human beings, we were created in the image of God for fellowship and relationship with him. When we rebel against him, separate ourselves and live our lives as though he does not exist, we harm ourselves. There is vacuum . . .


As Human Beings, We Were Created For Relationships With God And With Other Human Beings

As human beings, we were created for relationships with God and with other human beings. When we are whole and healthy, and our . . .

The Four Pillars

The four pillars of mental health are mental, physical, spiritual and social. Each of these is an important component of mental health and make for balanced thinking and wellness.





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